Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Woman's first Chin-Ups... Marshfield Fitness Studio

Today's post is brief.

But a BIGGIE none the less.

Francine rocked her first chin-ups today at the studio :)

Couldn't be prouder of her.

It's so amazing to witness training family at the studio achieve milestones. Onlooking was Gail, who was involved in her own posterior chain session during their semi-private training appointment. And not only did Francine do one chin-up, but she did 3 singles in a row!!! That's usually how I see it happen.

Most people will train for months, coming near complete, then one day, BOOM! It's never usually one, but a couple or a few chin-ups in a row.

Congratulations Francine! You Rocked It!!!!!

Live the Dream kiddo,


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield fitness studio
1775 Ocean Street