Monday, October 19, 2009

Marshfield Weight Loss Program - Beach Belly

Watching this movie really opened my eyes during summer of 2009.

Not that I didn't know our grocery stores we're primarily loaded with horrible food options for staying fit and trim, but combined with the inconsistencies I had seen over my 16 years in nutrition and fat loss I realized that MANY PEOPLE still had no idea how to actually lose fat and keep it off.

I knew I had to put a foot in the door of the weight loss circle.

Not that Weight Watchers, Jenny Craig and the like don't have their place... but...

I know I can help people eat find foods that are not chemical laden like the ones offered in stores and online by companies above.

In fact, foods that are offered as a service for my members are made fresh, free of chemicals and growth hormone, pesticides and the other nasty chemicals plaguing are manufactured and overly processed foods.

They are in fact prepared by a woman I trust whole-heartedly as personal chef and nutritional food preparer.

Her name is Brooke, of

Her foods are simply delicious. Mouth watering. In fact, she makes these peanut butter squares, well, consider them a reward once you graduate the first level of my system. They are worth becoming a success :) Trust me.

Her meals are just an option for you. Simply an option.

Do you need them? No. Will they make life easier? Of course.

But the last thing I want you to feel from my Marshfield Beach Belly Weight Loss System is that you need to depend on products to become successful.

I want to help you clear your cupboards and cabinets of pills and potions.

I want you to enjoy your fat loss while educating yourself.

My hope is that you would graduate and not need my nutritional guidance again. That you'll be self-reliant and never co-dependent of another weight loss group ever again!

Am I ambitious? Yes.

But why do I feel my system beats the other systems?

Well, for one it's not just about point counting and lecture. It's hands on. What does that mean? Well, once you sign up you'll know the details. But this is a weight loss group like no other.

I want you to come out of this feeling empowered and ready to conquer any goal that sets before you.

Like my private training clients. I'm going to help you set goals and shatter them. That's what I want for you.

So where and when?

Robert Belley Fitness studio
Suite 1, 2nd Level
1775 Ocean Street, Marshfield, Massachusetts

7:00 - 8:15 pm

Next session start date:
November 10th, 2009

Running in 12 Week Sessions

Group Limit:
Only 10 Serious People, people who want to lose belly fat

System Rate:
$79 a month for 3 months
equaling $19.75 per week... you get so much for such a little number realistically.

But why is this program the rate that it is?

I offer the Mercedes Benz of weight loss programs.

None of the frill just the necessary points, and, they are breakthrough points! You get what you pay for. Especially since my education is spanned over 16 years and I've trained thousands of sessions and helped hundreds with fat loss.

Magazines trust my knowledge as an expert in the field of fat loss.

I'm in dozens of issues a year.

You WILL succeed!

The only way you can't succeed is if YOU CHOOSE not to.

I'm going to set you up with materials and an education like you've never had. And I've got some great fat-fighting protocols for you to follow on your journey that are guaranteed to make you lose stubborn fat.


It will work.

Now does that seem expensive to you?
To keep the weight off for good?

Once you sign-up I'll fill you into what happens in the program that I'd hate to give-away online because I safe-guard my fat loss secrets.

If put them out there other companies may take and run with my systems and I do not want that.

I only want you and my group to have access to the knowledge I have and provide to my other successful fat loss clients.

So who wants a Beach Belly?

Your trusted Marshfield fitness and fat loss expert,


Robert Belley Fitness