Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Marshfield Personal Trainer's Thanksgiving Workout for Men's Fitness magazine

In the Novmeber 2009 issue of Men's Fitnesss magazine I've contributed a preliminary strike to belly fat litagation this Thanksgiving :)
It's cool. Intense. But cool.

It's on page 74 and if your in the grocery store, CVS, the newstand or anywhere else you can find our beloved Men's Fitness magazine I suggest you give it a view. Flows in design with my In & Out Workouts at http://www.inandoutworkouts.com/.

Also, you'll find my neat trainer bio for at the back of the mag, featuring contributors to the latest Men's Fitness. Seeing my name alongside my mentor Brian Grasso and superstar Tom Venuto is always fascinating to me. I'm fortunate to have the opportunities available that come to me.

Hulk Hogan, and early childhood hero of mine, has an intriguing and testimonial interview in this issue. Good read.

And if you're a fan of the twilight series you can check out a spread of Ashley Greene, the starlet of New Moon.
Marshfield Personal Trainer's Thanksgiving Workout for Men's Fitness magazine
Robert Belley Fitness