Monday, May 19, 2008

Chicken Dog Food Soup for Hunchback Nation!

Kyphosis sucks through and through. Not only does the kyphotic curve (think Hunchback of Notre Dame) totally disrupt the kinetic chain but it'll literally shave inches off your height over time. How you gonna reach that Tuesday night chicken soup and dog food dinner when you're in your 60's?

Neglected stretching and soft tissue work are the culprits here along with the wild array of ab gimmicks, crunches and sit-ups that plagued your teens, 20's, 30's and 40's.

So here's the deal kids, begin stretching the holy Moses out of your abs, chest, deep neck flexors, hip flexors, piriformis and quads.

Start strengthening your rhomboids, serratus, external obliques, glutes and hamstrings.

This is just a start.

Follow this daily and you'll be putting me on your Christmas card list and inviting me to your rockband parties before you know it ;)

Rob Belley

Robert Belley Fitness in
Pembroke Fitness, Marshfield Fitness, Duxbury Fitness