Thursday, May 15, 2008

An actual Email from a Client...Does this sound like you??

144 pounds 5'3"
Wishes to Drop 8 Pounds....14 preferred

"thank you so much for running the free boot camp on Saturdays. You push me much harder than I would push myself and you manage to make it fun!"

(ME):What's your average meal day look like? Honestly. Be as precise as you can be in meal frequency, foods you eat, portion size. You don't need to enter the cals or anything I already know them ;)

I think an average day looks like this:

**1 Thomas's bagel w/ cream cheese, small OJ
**Grilled cheese ( 2 slice american) 1 apple, H2O
**1 can Ginger ale
**Med. plate Whole wheat spaghetti w/ meat sauce, 1 peice of toast w/ butter (Whole wheat)
**Med. bowl ice cream

This is an average day, but almost every day I have something particularly bad (in this day it was dessert). I am not a big breakfast person. I am much more likely to starve till 3:00, then gorge myself on a large meal, or snacks at that time. So, that is something I could definetely use help with!

-Here are some of my usual bad things:

-Lots of cheese on anything and everything

-Muffin from Dunkin Donuts or a mocha coolatta w/ skim milk and whipped cream

-Ice cream at home or a blizzard from DQ

-2 cheeseburger meal at Mc D's w/ fries and Coke

-3-4 lg slices of cheese pizza ( sometimes cheese fries too)

So.... there is something really nasty like that too many times a week like 5 out of 7 days sometimes!

Should I stop the bad stuff completely? Or should I just cut down to 1 bad thing?

I just talked to my husband on the phone and he said that I should tell you that the first words out of my mouth when I woke up were,
"Is there any coffee cake left?"




I can definitely see where the improvement needs to be. Nutrition all the way.

According to average day meals you ate about 1,800-2,000 calories. That will either promote fat gain or maintain weight at your current stat.

And yeah you need to make some nutritional changes :)

**For one, you need more veggies.
I didn't see an entire veggie in the list below. Veggies in pasta sauce don't count as they are usually peppers, onion and tomato which are good but not great like the greener asparagus, broccoli, baby spinach, green beans, etc..

If you have a hard time eating veggies definitely grab a greens supplement. Taste like the bottom of a lawn mower (I won't lie) but you may need it.

**Second, more fruit.
An apple is a great choice. But don't forget blueberries, avocado, oranges, etc...
You need more of them. Great start with the Apple!

**Third, cut out the pasta and bread or limit it to only one option each day and only one serving.
One slice of bread or 1/2 of one serving of pasta. One serving of pasta is very very tiny if you've ever weighed 1oz dry (28 grams). With wholewheat angel hair pasta thats only 60 strands. May sound like a lot but in all actuality its very small compared to most peoples servings.

Grains get out of hand and to be honest you can get so much fiber and many more nutrients out of fruits and vegetables.

**Fourth, kick the soda.
I know it sucks if you're addicted to it but if you cut it I promise you'll drop weight as your sugar levels and thirst won't be enormous.

Think about it. Why do bars put out peanuts and popcorn? Because they are salty and have sugary coatings usually and that will only promote thrist and further hunger resulting in fried food sales and beer sales.

**Fifth, swap the juice for an actual orange.
Believe it or not, there's no tremendous benefit to orange juice. It's junk.

Once you open it it the nutrient level of vitamin C is zapped. So that glass is like drinking thick kool-aid rather than a Vitamin C boost.

**Sixth, One of my favorite lines for women "Lifting heavy weights won't make you big and bulky. Going to Dunkin donuts and Starbucks will. Those products will kill you and only make you fat."

Thanks Gentilcore ;)

**Seventh, McD's.
I don't think I have to say much about this one huh? ;)

But just so we have some fun with it did you know that every pattie contains some cow sh*t and that maggots account for some of the protein? The left over protein source is grade D at best (intestines, poor area's of the cows and other animal parts that mix in).

Still feel like getting a happy meal??

**Eigth, pizza isn't that bad for you.
So long as you have 1-2 slices of the small (10") stuff. A 10" slice is about 150 calories if you don't eat the crust.

14-16" about 300 without crust.


**Ninth, Ice cream is only 1/2 cup per serving.
That's tiny. Next time you eat measure out a flat level of 1/2 cup and see what I mean. That's all. One serving.

Okay so what you need to do to get in great shape and drop that weight super fast:
**Eat 3-5 servings of veggies dAILY
**3 Servings of Fruit daily
**2 servings of dairy won't kill you
**3 servings of meat daily
**2-3 servings of healthy fats (avocados, salmon, almonds, olive oil)


And drink about 10 glasses of water every day with a multivitamin every morning and a greens supplement.