Friday, May 9, 2008

Dieter's Craze!

I'll be honest. When most people I consult or train tell me they eat healthy, I figure they're eating about 75% clean.

Nearly not enough to truly impact their fat loss results.

In fact, when others tell me they are eating clean and they're still having a difficult time dropping weight, I know they are either (a) drinking far too much or eating too much fast/processed foods on the weekends, (b) overeating - even healthy overeating is still overeating - or (c) not consuming enough veggies.

You'd be literally AMAZED what 5-6 servings of vegetables will do for your waistline and padded area's.

I'm no saint myself. I love to have a good time come Friday. However, I lock down on Monday and Tuesday and reverse the weekend with solid powerhouse nutritional foods and plenty of water.

I don't take any fat loss supplements.

I'm not on lipozene, Alli, hydroxycut, hoodia, CLA, slimquick, detox pills, diet pills or any ephedra containing supplements.

Hell I don't even have caffeine in my diet. Other than the very, very occasional green tea (maybe once a month) and barely soda on the weekends.

But I'm athletic and lean.

You want to know the best fat-burner out there?

Vegetables and watching how much you eat.

If you know you're only given 1,500 calories a day EAT only 1,500 calories a day.

If you go too far under you'll retain fat as the body will do its best to keep fat on as a survival mechanism.

If you go over then you'll just add fat as the body loves to be so.

There is no miracle cure for this other than consistency.

Your WILL POWER is your greatest FAT LOSS advantage.

So next time you find yourself reaching for a candy bar or the take-out menu quickly eat an apple and cup of uncooked broccoli. I promise you'll thank me for it in your next Myspace Profile pic ;)

Looking out for you,

Rob Belley