Thursday, May 8, 2008

"Where's my Cupcake Patch?" - Melodies from a bathing suit Fitting Room

It's summer. Summer means small bikini's and cool swim trunks.

It also means jeans and champion sweatshirts if you haven't been planning your fat loss program accordingly or haven't even begun it!

I'm sorry to inform you all, but there is no Cupcake Patch. Smokers have it easy huh?

Instead, the rest of us food-addicts and choco-holics have to pay close to attention to what we're putting in our mouths. For some it'll be eaiser than others.

But none the less, if you're eating M&M's and Steak and Cheese subs and washing it all down with Coca-Cola daily guess what?

You most likely are going to look and feel the same as you did yesterday if not worse. Just with an extra 5 or 10 pounds.

If you eat salmon, apples, oranges, asparagus, baby spinach, steak and chicken you're only going to deliver positive results. So promising that you'll accelerate your fat loss mission. I promise. Especially if you couple it with some activity.

Summer is only a few months. We wait all year for this brief opportunity to get outside, rediscover our community and feel the sun.

Are you gonna cover all up in your best Fall or spring jacket and favorite winter jeans?

Or are you going to get yourself some natural vitamin D and enjoy the warmth summer has to offer?

I know my clients and myself have been training since January for our beach bodies.

Have you?

PS - Thanks to one of my clients Eileen for the Cupcake Patch reference ;) I love it.

Got questions? Email me, Rob Belley at