Thursday, August 5, 2010

Fitness Sex

Everybody’s doing it. Blue and pink balloons adoring neighborhood mailboxes prove it. You know they’ve been up to something… or at least did once. And the failing institution of marriage is proving that people want to have sex again with someone they like. These are just stats people. No personal attacks. ;)
And I’m not sure if you’re like me, but I actually get in better shape when I’m in a relationship or dating. I know most people tend to fall out of shape once they’re settled in but I try to improve my fitness and physique for my girlfriend. I feel she deserves the most amount of fun possible so why not let her have it.

So, how can you increase your abilities to shine and stay in the game too? Let’s sack this from two positions.

First, men, because we need the most help right ladies. You can thank me later. Just name a kid after me or say my name out loud or something.

Men have longevity control issues in the bedroom. It’s usually the number two complaint I hear amongst female clients and friends. Unfortunately Number one is unfixable by fitness gals. Cosmetic surgery just isn’t practical.

So let me introduce interval training and long steady state cardio to alleviate this.

Basically, the fitter you increase your VO2 max, the greater your odds are of not losing your wind when she needs it most. I was once kicked something fierce in my quad (front of thigh) when I was younger. Chick was psycho; had to laugh after. Not every girl can reach happiness as quick as the other so making sure you don’t tucker out is a huge bonus guys. Plus it gives you more time to play. Who doesn’t love to play more? Not this kid.

Second, triceps, glutes and chest strength must be improved. No doubt about it.
Glutes being the most important of the three because their prime movers when it comes down to it. And it’s amazing what stronger triceps can do for many different positions. And chest, well, women get to see and hold very little during so we may as well give them something worth looking at fella's.

For your interval sessions try this-->
40 seonds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Rest 60 seconds and Repeat
Add this to your normal workout schedule twice per week...

A1) Push-Up
A2) Single Leg Deadlift (rest 5 seconds between legs)
A3) Plank (increase difficulty accordingly)
A4) Close-Grip Push-Up
A5) Hip Lifts
A6) Spiderman Climb (keep the hips down)
A7) Kettlebell Swings

12 Minutes will absolutely make your partner a happier person ;)

PS - Try and throw in some interval runs too. Find a great interval running program and knock it out twice each week. Make sure there are spikes and lows. That's how play time is right?

Girls, well you need no improvement at all you’re just perfect.

All kidding aside, here’s what will help you to help us enjoy some extra play too. Everyone needs work; everybody. Play nice.

Women could improve glutes and inner thigh strength, tighter abs (to stare at and handle easier) and a toned upper back (it’s just sexy - that’s all).

Now if you truly want to improve your sexual strength the art of making the perfect sandwich mid-play would help wonders but that’s a culinary lesson for another time.

And I’m not so sure the cable channel would let me film that. But I’ll ask.

Here are some movements to increase everyone's fun-->
20 seonds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest. Rest 60 seconds and Repeat
Add this to your normal workout schedule once per week.

A1) Triceps Push-Up Hover (hold the bottom of a push-up, hovering 3 inches off the ground)
A2) Pendulum Step-Ups (rest 5 seconds between legs)
A3) Plank into Downward Dog(Perform this for 20seconds each - no rest)
A4) Chin-Ups
A5) Reverse Crunches
A6) Single Leg Wall Squat Hold
A7) Kettlebell Swings

And of course both parties can benefit greatly from kegel’s (help strengthen the pelvic floor). "Your pelvic floor is insatiable", one of my Rockstar clients and me use this phrase jokingly. They're very simple and easy to perform. They can be done while driving, sitting at work, cleaning, cooking, using a Flowbee, praying, and of course while reading your favorite Robert Belley blog post.

(She's kegel'ing right now )

Simply contract, and relax the muscles right around your lower regions. Everything should flex if you know what I mean. Hold for 5 seconds, relax for 5 seconds.

Continue for 5-8 more reps and build up to 3 sessions a day. If you can hold for 10 seconds go for it hot shot!

Well I hope this latest installment of Mr. Roger's neighborhood helps you figure out how to tie your laces, button down your sweater vest and most certainly be friendly to neighbors ;)

Increase your fitness, increase your fun.

Live the dream,


Belley Fitness, Marshfield, Massachusetts