Monday, September 12, 2011

Accepting You

What changes a person?

Is it a single life-altering event?

A string of smaller incidences funneling towards the brilliance of self-realization?

Or does shit just happen and we react?

I’d like to believe in the optimistic version.

That we inherently desire to be better. Constantly.

But that obviously isn’t true.

As the famous quote states, “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” – William Arthur Ward.

It’s the nature of my passion to understand why people come to the studio.

Why they reach out.

Sure some people just want to look better.

Sure some want to be better at their sport/activity/activities.

But I always wonder “WHY” they want this improvement.

Why they want to change.

That’s the fascinating part to me.

And with any change in life, be it my own or yours, UNDERSTANDING why the need for change is eminent is critical.

That “ah-ha” moment will propel you into certainty.

That ‘s the icing on the cake.

Of course in my most professional recommendation, don’t eat the fucking cake ;)

But do this,

Discover your WHY…

And you will discover a brilliant existence of opportunities ahead.

Discover your brilliance.

It’s already inside of you.

But that cake better not be.

Live the dream,


Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, Massachusetts