Wednesday, September 14, 2011



An action oblivious to some, mandatory to others and situational for another.

Personally, I fall into all three categories above.

Today, I’ve been awake 4 hours thus far and merely drank 44 ounces of water, swallowed a multi-vitamin, 500mg of Niacin, 3.6g of BCAA’s and 1 tab of BIOTEST Alpha Male.

No food as of yet.

I pondered getting out for some veggies at the grocery but decided instead to type this up for you ;)

To be honest though, I am getting a little hungry now as I’m typing, MURPHY’S LAW! Or maybe it’s just listening to “Just What I Needed” by The Cars. Bringing back childhood memories at the breakfast table eating cereal or hard boiled eggs chopped with butter.

TANGENT: Funny how the breakfast table is also referred as the dinner table simply based on the hour.

Is breakfast THE MOST important meal of the day?

I’d say absolutely yes.

Now how can I say that after clearly indicating I haven’t partaken in breakfast after 4 hours of wake?

Because breakfast literally means to “Break the fast”.

So yeah it’s pretty much the most important meal.

You could skip eating all day and finally consume a steak with broccoli and rice near 7pm but that’s your breakfast Skippy not your din-din.

TANGENT: Whatever happened to Skippy? You think he ever tagged Mallory? Or did Michael disown him too soon before the 20/30-something years??

Sometimes I have ice cream for breakfast: Sometimes sunny side up eggs: Sometimes a super shake: Sometimes wild caught salmon: Sometimes pancakes: Sometimes meatballs. All depends.

But none the less, breaking your fast should be attempted when you are ready to break it.

Unless of course you only eat 2-3 times a day then by all means make sure you eat upon rising.

You’ll fit another guaranteed meal in each day and promote recovery from your vigorous and intense training sessions.

TANGENT: Seems silly to place the word vigorous and/or intense before training session, but you would be shocked my friend how many people barely train while training or work out while working out. LOL Commonly, deeper intensity, faster results, happier YOU. ;)

Live the dream my friend,


Monday, September 12, 2011

Accepting You

What changes a person?

Is it a single life-altering event?

A string of smaller incidences funneling towards the brilliance of self-realization?

Or does shit just happen and we react?

I’d like to believe in the optimistic version.

That we inherently desire to be better. Constantly.

But that obviously isn’t true.

As the famous quote states, “Adversity causes some men to break; others to break records.” – William Arthur Ward.

It’s the nature of my passion to understand why people come to the studio.

Why they reach out.

Sure some people just want to look better.

Sure some want to be better at their sport/activity/activities.

But I always wonder “WHY” they want this improvement.

Why they want to change.

That’s the fascinating part to me.

And with any change in life, be it my own or yours, UNDERSTANDING why the need for change is eminent is critical.

That “ah-ha” moment will propel you into certainty.

That ‘s the icing on the cake.

Of course in my most professional recommendation, don’t eat the fucking cake ;)

But do this,

Discover your WHY…

And you will discover a brilliant existence of opportunities ahead.

Discover your brilliance.

It’s already inside of you.

But that cake better not be.

Live the dream,


Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, Massachusetts