Friday, August 13, 2010

Metro Dash Boston 2010 Pics

Here's some of the people I shared time with at Metro Dash Boston 2010...

The cool couple from New Hampshire:

The really nice couple that set my initial pace for me who also operate Ultimate Fit Camp in Leominster, Massachusetts:

The gentleman I helped cross the finish line (who helped me not slow down running on West 5th Street to the finish line):

These athletes were very inspiring for me. Not only because they competed or finished. Because they were courteous, friendly, selfless and caring.

It's a diminshing manner courteousness.

Today, do yourself and someone a favor.

Be courteous.

It'll improve both of your days.

And will trickle onto others watching.

Open a door... Smile at someone... Greet someone by their first name... Tell someone you like their shirt... Pick something up for somebody... Say hello to someone walking by you on the sidewalk...

Live the dream,

Robert Belley