Thursday, August 5, 2010

Marshfield Boot Camp Fitness? Does it Work?

"Is my boot camp instructor hurting me or helping me?"

Accountability is a hard pill to swallow in fitness and eating. Let me ask you this, when was the last time you were truly honest with yourself while training or journaling your food entries?

Most people create what we refer to as food amnesia. In other words, when food is accounted for by typing or writing down (remember that thing we were forced to do as children to communicate without cell phones and type writers… what’s a type what?) it is clear to see where we flub up.

What the _ _ _ _ is that thing?

If you run off your memory you’re significantly at a disadvantage to maintain a helpful eating plan.

When I keep a journal I prefer to rock the #2 lead – Scantron’s evil plan to monopolize off of tiny cheese curl caked fingers and a Saturday morning animated educational system – to alleviate my caloric worries. You could use a pen but you’re nutritionist will most likely give check minus ya.

But logging means everything.

Especially if you’re trying to discover why you haven’t changed recently.

Remember, fat loss, weight gain, strength increases, performance enhancement are simple formulas. Just follow the protocol and results will happen. The more diligent you adhere the faster results unfold. And if they are not coming real world quick then you can track exactly where you messed up (Oreo’s don’t promote fat loss?).

And for training, if you’re not working with a professional who is monitoring and tailoring your program then you must follow a program fully to ensure the best results. Just winging it everyday at the gym will leave you ultimately frustrated.

Especially in boot camp settings. As much fun as they can be for classes it’s still “mass fitness”. No specification whatsoever. You’re eating plan better be rock solid to incur significant results.

And these days with boot camps popping up in everyone’s driveway, parking lots and recreational areas it’s no wonder more and more people are sweating but at what expense? Has anything really changed physically after the first month? That’s where tailored guidance and care helps.

Luckily at Belley Fitness I’ve noticed the population recently and developed a new program for my clients to ensure constant results over camps. If you’re interested just drop me an email at Or call 508-944-3104.

But either way you’re only as successful as your weakest link. If it’s eating than you will be holding yourself way back. If it’s randomized fitness all the time then you know you need specific fitness. Customization really.

Don’t get me wrong, I love camps. I instruct about 10-12 sessions per week, but they have their limits.

Instead following a program, as my private clients do, accelerates results. Much faster indeed when eating properly is accounted for.

So live the dream, and don't let your fitness sessions hold you back.

Attack, plan, and get the best results you can.


Robert Belley Fitness, 1775 Ocean Street, Marshfield, Massachusetts
Offering Semi-Private Training, Group Personal Training, Boot Camps, Pilates, Yoga, Youth Athlete Enhancement