Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Marshfield Personal Trainer | Strength Training Better for Women

Here is an article by my colleague Rachel Cosgrove.

Her and her husband Alwyn are two great fitness professionals in Santa Clarita, California.

I've had the fanastic opportunity to share conversations, emails and learn from them over the years. They are trusted resource in my arsenal of advanced fitness knowledge.

Here is one of Rachel's latest articles I've received.

I want to share it with all of you too :)


Marshfield Personal Trainer Robert Belley
Marshfield Fitness Studio Robert Belley Fitness

Another Reason Why Strength Training is Better for Women Than Endurance.
By Rachel Cosgrove

I was just thinking that one of the number one goals I have with my clients to change their bodies is to change the negative mental chatter that goes on upstairs all day long. Most women spend a lot of time each day talking negatively to themselves and have to consciously stop themselves and catch themselves. I had a realization that when women are using the wrong type of exercise to lose fat it not only doesn't work physically but it doesn't work mentally as well. Long runs or steady state cardio on a machine perpetuates this negative thinking that is so common for women.

Picture this - A woman running for an hour- what is going through her mind? Maybe she is thinking about her day ahead or her kids or a vacation that she has coming up but I bet you most women spend a lot of their time thinking- "Ugghh I can still feel my stomach jiggling when I am running...my thighs are rubbing together....gee, look at that runner- why don't I look more like her? Uh Oh, someone is coming up behind me and probably noticing how wide my ass is...How much longer...If only I hadn't pigged out last night I wouldn't have to torture myself like this..."

Ladies? I know you won't admit it but aren't these the kind of thoughts you might have while running at a steady state with nothing to think about except the tortuous exercise of repetitive motion you are doing to try to drop a few pounds and fit in your jeans so of course most of the time you will think about your body and how did you let yourself get here in the first place and beating yourself up?

Now Picture this- A woman goes to the gym to lift weights. Her focus is on the exercise she is doing, keeping her stomach tight and focusing on lifting the weight and keeping her form. She has to be thinking about what she is doing at that moment and most of her thoughts will be "I need to squeeze my butt and keep my stomach tight. I have 5 more reps, I can do this...."

I am not saying she won't have the occasional fleeting negative thought but it will be a lot less than if she has an hour of doing nothing but the same motion over and over again with nothing but her thoughts swimming around in her head.

So not only is strength training better for women for all of the physical reasons but it is better for them mentally too. And having less negative thoughts and more thoughts about keeping your stomach tight and being strong and finishing your set will lead to better results. The mind and body are connected. If you are spending an hour everyday doing steady state cardio thinking negative thoughts to yourself you could be undoing exactly what you are trying to do while you are trying to do it...

Because your body is listening to what your mind is telling it.

Your Coach,

Rachel Cosgrove

Monday, September 28, 2009

Butternut Squash Penne

This isn't as trivial or cool as it may sound, but I think it tastes great.

Plus its super healthy!

Cook whole-grain or organic penne to directions.. I cook about half a box.

Prepare and cook, either one half of a medium butternut squash, or one bag frozen.

Once the butternut squash is near finish mix in about 1/2 - 1 cup of whole organic oats.

Place the penne in a large bowl, mix in 2-3 tablespoons of organic butter.

Then top with squash and oat mix.

Season with fresh cracked pepper, sea salt.


Very simple, high in fiber, high in complex carbs.

And it's super filling.

Robert Belley
Marshfield Fitness and Fat Loss Expert

Belly Off! Marshfield Weight Loss Program

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Marshfield Weight Loss Junkies Read - Biggest Loser Shocking Contestant Stories


I always tell my Marshfield clients, even have it on my website, the UNREAL expectations of The Biggest Loser game show on the human psyche.

It's downright insulting.

How can average Joe and Jane expect to drop 8-25 pounds a week with the intrusion of kids, school, work, chores, family matters, grocery shopping, sports, etc.

When they lose 2-3 pounds a week they feel like they haven't done it right.

Far from the truth.

But I found these on one of Tom Venuto's websites, one of my colleagues.

Read This about FIRST HAND ACCOUNTS from a Biggest Loser champion:

EXCERPT from the article:
The Biggest Loser Pros And Cons: An In-Depth Review of Television's Most Popular Reality Show
Tom Venuto

The network, the trainers and other supporters of the show say they do not
promote or endorse drugs or any unhealthy methods of weight loss. Official
statements notwithstanding, the inherent nature of the show promotes dangerous

Listen to what Biggest Loser season one winner Ryan Benson had to say on his myspace blog:

"I wanted to win so bad that the last ten days before the final weigh-in I didn't eat one piece of solid food! If you've heard of "The Master Cleanse" that's what I did. Its basically drinking lemonade made with water, lemon juice, maple syrup, and cayenne pepper. The rules of the show said we couldn't use any weight-loss drugs, well I didn't take any drugs, I just starved myself! Twenty-four hours before the final weigh-in I stopped putting ANYTHING in my body, liquid or solid, then I started using some old high school wrestling tricks. I wore a rubber suit while jogging on the treadmill, and then spent a lot of time in the steam room. In the final 24 hours I probably dropped 10-13 lbs in just pure water weight. By the time of the final weigh-in I was peeing blood.

Was this healthy? Heck no! My wife wanted to kill me if I didn't do it to myself first. But I was in a different place, I knew winning the show could put us in a better place financially and I was willing to do some crazy stuff. All this torture I put myself through has had no lasting effects on me (that I know of) and at the time it was sort of a fun adventure for me -- but I am sure it reeked havoc on my system.

In the five days after the show was over I gained about 32 lbs. Not from eating, just from getting my system back to normal (mostly re-hydrating myself). So in five days I was back up to 240 -- crazy!"


Benson wasn't alone. Kai Hibbard (season 3) answered a question about this
on her my space blog:

Q: I'm curious on just how much did you all dehydrate yourselves before the BIG WEIGH IN?

A: I dehydrated off 19 pounds in the last two weeks before the BIG weigh in. I stopped eating solid food after eating only protein and asparagus (a diuretic) then I had two colonics and spent the night before the weigh in and out of a sauna. there really was no "diet" the day of the weigh in, we weigh in as dehydrated as possible on empty stomachs after 2 hour workouts in the morning.

As with Benson, Hibbard's final week weight came flying back:

"I actually put on about 31 pounds in two weeks. After my body had a chance to stabilize I spent all last year hovering between 159 and 175, I fight everyday to find some stability.".

The Biggest Loser is just Television where the bottom line is ratings and sponsors. If you can, draw some inspiration from the show, but not your education. If you watch, then please recognize this show for what it is -- entertainment; show business. Nothing more. nothing less.

Taken from Tom Venuto article

3 Extra Minutes to Weight Loss Marshfield

Did you know,

Just adding an extra set to each of your working sets could lead to some major fat loss?

One extra set.

3 extra minutes.

You could accelerate your goals.

If you're going after size,

one more hypertrophy set, each workout could build your body.

If you're after fat loss,

one more interval could increase the EPOC and get you slimmer faster.

3 simple minutes.

Do you have 3 extra minutes in your day?

I'm willing to bet you do.

Make it fun, make it count, make it happen.

Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield Fitness and Fat Loss Studio
South Shore Boot Camp at its finest

Yummy Coconut Butternut Squash Soup

Here's a great recipe I found on one of my colleagues sites. A french chef named Eddy did a segment for the JamCore Kitchen. Very cool.

This is a coconut butternut squash soup. And its delicious. I made it for myself and my clients at Robert Belley Fitness. They loved it.

And if you mess up and cook it too long you still end up with amazing tasting squash


It's a win win.

Here's the ingredient list:

  • 2T Olive Oil
  • 2 Garlic Cloves
  • Ginger Powder
  • Sea Salt
  • Fresh Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 Shallot or you can use a regular white onion if you have difficulty finding one at your grocers.
  • 3 small to medium Butternut Squash Diced into Small Rectangles for Easier Cooking
  • 1 Can of Pumpkin Puree or Pie Mix
  • 1 Can of Coconut Milk
  • 1 Can of Organic Low Sodium Chicken Broth
That's all

Here's how you do it:

If you decide to peel and cut butternut squash understand it sucks :) Really it does.

If you decided you want something more efficient you can just buy them pre-peeled and halved with the seeds already scooped out. A bit more money but still saves you a ton of time.

If you have great knives or a great peeler though you can do the traditional method.

After that just dice into smaller rectangles. They can stay chunky. Like an inch by 2 inches or smaller.


  • Place a dutch oven or large deep pot onto your larger burner.
  • Put the heat to medium-low.
  • Drizzle or pour your olive oil in.
  • Next add your garlic.
  • Simply peel and crush do not mince.
  • Let it simmer for a couple of minutes to blend and open the garlics flavor.
  • Next season your oil with ginger powder, sea salt and black pepper.
  • Stay conservative at first and add more in the later stages as you fine tune your dish.
  • Next add your chopped shallot to the pot with your diced butternut squash.
    Let it cook for a minute or two.
  • Then add the can of pumpkin and mixed it in for a minute
  • Then add your coconut milk and mix that in. Let the mix bubble a moment.
  • Finally add the chicken broth and allow to simmer for 45 minutes.

Very simple recipe and very minimal ingredients and you have tons of servings in
this one dish.

Plus its super affordable for an amazing amount of vegetables, fiber and healthy fats.

Did I mention its delicious?


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield Fitness and Fat Loss Expert

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

I am a Proud Marshfield Personal Trainer & Marshfield Fitness Studio Owner

Today was a day that offered one of the happiest moments in my professional fitness training journey.

After having the opportunity to check out the Marshfield Police Station's cool workout garage, I returned back to the studio and as I arrived, outside 4 of my favorite youth athletes, Cassidy, Emily, Jayna and Kathryn were running around playing games outside, and inside 3 of my favorite girls, Patti, Joanne and Karen were training hard!

Like killer hard!

They were doing Barbell suspended squats, sprinting stairs, flipping tires, hitting the ab wheel just plain out rocking it!

And I Love It

I know all of our sessions, conversations, socials and sharing have led us to this incredible, comfortable environment at the studio. When I walk into my own studio, and see my girls there, training and improving their lives, I know I'm home.

That's an amazing feeling.

I'm not sure how many Marshfield fitness clubs or weight loss centers can say that about there members, but my core girls make me so happy and proud to be a fitness trainer in Marshfield.

Just to be able to joke, be friends, and be involved, to some degree, within their life is absolutely fantastic. I wouldn't want my life any other way as a professional.

I'm a proud Marshfield Personal Trainer, Fitness Professional, Weight Loss Teacher and business man.

Thank you to ALL of my Marshfield training family,

You solidify why I am who I am in this arena.


Marshfield's Most Unique and Fun Fitness and Weight Loss Center, Robert Belley Fitness

Super Bowl Super Shakes

Here's are a few COOL shake recipes, along with an article, from a system I use for weight control.

It's called Precision Nutrition.
If you're one of my clients then you've seen it on our CLIENT ONLY download page as an appropriate system for weight loss, fat loss, and weight management / weight control.

Here's the article from John Berardi, Ph.D

Super Bowl Super Shakes
by John M Berardi, September 15th, 2009.

This past Sunday was opening day in the NFL. Crunch-time for 26 professional football teams and about 1400 NFL athletes.

Around PN HQ, it’s crunch-time as well. This year we have the pleasure of working with a host of these NFL super stars. And that means Sunday was opening day for us too.

So, to kick off the NFL season on a tasty note, we figured we’d share a few of our special NFL inspired Super Shakes.

Super Bowl Super Shakes (PW)

PW (Post-Workout) shakes are high in protein and carbohydrate. For this reason they’re best served after working out.
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - –

Blueberry Blitz
Yum - Tastes Like Blueberry Ice Cream
NFL Size
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 cup frozen blueberries
1 frozen banana
2 scoops vanilla MRI Pro-NOS
2 teaspoons flax seeds

Nutrition Information:
660 calories
48 g protein, 90 g carbs, 20 g fat

Spectator Size
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
½ cup frozen blueberries
½ frozen banana
1 scoop vanilla MRI Pro-NOS
1 teaspoon flax seeds

Nutrition Information:
330 calories
24 g protein, 45 g carbs, 10 g fat

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - –

Peanut Butter Point After
PB and Chocolate - You Can't Beat It

NFL Size
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
1 frozen banana
1 tablespoons peanut butter
2 scoops chocolate MRI Pro-NOS
2 tablespoons cocoa nibs
1 cup of ice
Nutrition Information:
660 calories
52 g protein, 62 g carbs, 30 g fat

Spectator Size
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1/2 frozen banana
1 tablespoon peanut butter
1 scoop chocolate MRI Pro-NOS
1 tablespoon cocoa nibs
1/2 cup of ice
Nutrition Information:
330 calories
26 g protein, 31 g carbs, 15 g fat
- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - –

Super Bowl Super Shakes (Anytime)
Anytime shakes are high in protein and healthy fats while being low in carbohydrate. For this reason they’re best served outside of the post-workout period. In other words, any other time of the day.

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - –

Orange Offense
A Good-For-You Creamsicle

NFL Size
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
2 tablespoons heavy whipping cream
4 tablespoons sugar free orange jello
2 scoops vanilla MRI Pro-NOS
2 teaspoons flax seeds
1 cup of ice
Nutrition Information:
580 calories
48 g protein, 30 g carbs, 34 g fat
Spectator Size
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 tablespoon heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons sugar free orange jello
1 scoop vanilla MRI Pro-NOS
1 teaspoon flax seeds
1/2 cup of ice

Nutrition Information:
290 calories
24 g protein, 15 g carbs, 17 g fat

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - –

Coconut Cut-Back
Coconut & Almond - Like A Healthy Candy Bar
NFL Size
2 cups unsweetened almond milk
2 scoops chocolate MRI Pro-NOS
2 tablespoons unsweetened almond butter
2 tablespoons unsweetened coconut
1 cup of ice

Nutrition Information:
640 calories
50 g protein, 32 g carbs, 40 g fat

Spectator Size
1 cup unsweetened almond milk
1 scoop chocolate MRI Pro-NOS
1 tablespoon unsweetened almond butter
1 tablespoon unsweetened coconut
1/2 cup of ice

Nutrition Information:
320 calories
25 g protein, 16 g carbs, 20 g fat

- – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - – - –

A Note About Protein Choice

MRI Nutrition Pro-NOS - Certified Free of Banned Substances
As you check out the shakes above, you’ll notice that each of them includes a protein supplement. Specifically, MRI Nutrition’s Pro-NOS product.

Why this supplement over all the others out there?
Well, for starters, it’s a high quality choice. Also, it tastes really good.
Yet there’s another, more important, reason for choosing MRI’s Pro-NOS. You see, it’s certified free of banned substances by NSF International.
Any product used in the NFL has to be certified by the NSF as part of their Certified for Sport Program. So, no certification, no recommendation.
Of course, there are a ton of other great protein choices out there. And, as long as you stick with a reputable brand, you should be fine.
Yet, when it comes to the NFL, the choices narrow quickly. So, for our Super Bowl Super Shakes, Pro-Nos it is.

The PW vs. Anytime Distinction

One other thing you’ll notice about the shakes above is that there are two types: PW and Anytime.

PW Shakes
PW shakes are high in protein and carbohydrates. Therefore, these
shakes are best served after exercise (pw = post workout).

Anytime Shakes
These shakes are high in protein and low in carbohydrates. Therefore
they can be consumed anytime during the day.

In essence, the “anytime” vs “pw” distinction is based on a concept known as nutrient timing.

And if you’re not familiar with nutrient timing, I have to say, you’re totally missing out. It could be your limiting factor when it comes to improving health, body comp, and performance.
You see, traditional exercise nutrition focused on “what” to eat and “how much” of it. However, research from the last 5 years shows that “when” you eat may be equally important. In fact, if I could only recommend one habit to powerfully improve a person’s intake, it would be to adopt the Precision Nutrition principles of carbohydrate timing.

For more on nutrient timing, including carbohydrate timing, check out the Precision Nutrition System. Everything is spelled out in easy to understand language that can be applied immediately.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

How Isolation Sucks...

Unless you're a bodybuilder. Let me say that first.

Or unless you are recovering from a traumatic injury that rehabilitation needs focus on a particular muscle group at a time.

But rest aside, isolation sucks if you're after fat loss.

One reason is this, you burn less calories.

Doing biceps curls for 3 sets will not compare to doing squats or dead lifts (which involve multi-joint movements - total body) to burning calories and creating a turbulence in the body.

Second, the potential risk of injury at various points from a seamingly simple exercise.

And I couldn't say it better myself, so here is a piece from an article from my Peak Performance newsletter I receive. One way I try to stay atop my reading to help everyone at Robert Belley Fitness in our BURN boot camps and in our semi-private training sessions.

Here is that bit,

Let’s just take a couple of examples of Chris’s educative approach. First,
the preacher curl – beloved of body-builders, because let’s face it, it makes a
guy look really tough. But read what Chris has to say about that:

“Bodybuilders have long held the belief that the preacher curl trains
the ‘peak’ in the bicep. This is a fallacy; the only reason the bicep appears to
peak is because the starting position places the shoulder in 20 to 45 degrees of
flexion. This shortens the bicep so that the excursion of the muscle ‘pushes’ up
its bulk.”

And here’s the problem:
“The inherent danger with this curl lies in the protracted scapular
position and forward tilt of the scapula (coracoid process is directed
anteriorly and inferiorly). In this position, the subacromial structures –
bursa, biceps tendon and supraspinatus tendon – are in a potential impingement

I couldn't say it better.

But you get the point right?

Acute injuries, acute injuries, acute injuries...

Most often, people train with incorrect form. That incorrect form could lead to major damage structurally. Especially if you're going at it alone.

Not to say that bad form on multi-joint exercises isn't any better, but, dollar for dollar you are better off becoming proficient with exercise form with multi-joint movements as they will help you further in your journey towards fat loss.

Thank you for reading today's post


Saturday, September 12, 2009

Marshfield Fitness and Fat Loss Expert's New Favorite Food...

So lately, I've been freaking out over Rachel's Cottage Cheese's!

They tag line, "Wickedly Delicious!"

And they are!

If you have a culinary palete, and enjoy gourmet based foods, this is the cottage cheese for you!

So why does Robert Belley, Marshfield fitness and fat loss expert feel Rachel's cottage cheese is so much better than the others?


The above mentioned first and foremost,

Second, get this, it's free of artificial flavors, preservatives or sweeteners, including no high fructose corn syrup, and are made using milk from cows not given artificial growth hormones (rbST).

And third, that they combine flavors like sun-dried tomato/basil/garlic... absolutely amazing.

Some of my other favorite flavors are:

I love em!

And I bet if you try em out you will love them too!

And let's not forget, cottage cheese is an excellent protein which metabolizes slowly so that our recovery needs from our tough strength training workouts are met.

All in all, cottage cheese is healthy.
I just happen to dig these new Rachel's Cottage Cheese's alot ;)

For more Marshfield fitness training and info on how you can get in the best shape, and put that healthy cottage cheese to use, click over to http://www.rbfit.com/ and see why my fitness service has hundreds of fat loss seekers and netted multiple reader's choice awards.

That's http://www.rbfit.com/

See you there,
and Live the Dream!


Reasons for Reflection: Congratulations Tara and Jeff

Today I am attending a wedding of one of the best clients I've ever had the privilege to train, Tara Kent.

She's an amazing source of energy, and furthermore, she's amazingly dedicated.


She's one of those people that you're excited to be around, always.

Because you know it will be fun, you are going to laugh, and you will have the opportunity to see what it takes to accomplish a vision. And, you will see someone who keeps their word.

A year ago I first met Tara, with Melissa, through one of my outdoor boot camps at Marshfield High School. The stunning results Tara has made over the past year have been nothing short of mind blowing!

If you could see where she started, and how far she has come, you'd be proud of her too.

Everyone at Robert Belley Fitness has seen her transformation.

From a girl who couldn't do nearly a chin-up last August, she just rocked 10, YES 10 chin-ups on the elite rings on Thursday!!!

I've even seen her eat fire!

Literally ate fire back in July at one of our Creating Momentum seminars in the Pilate's studio.

Her and Melissa have both made incredible changes. I'm so proud of both of them. Melissa ate fire too! ;)

And today, Tara is wedding her love. A man named Jeffrey.

And fortunately, I have been invited to her special moment.

I'm so excited to be going, to see how far she has come in just one year. How radiant she will look walking down the aisle on the beach.

The wedding dress she told us all about the day she found it, the days leading up to her wedding and all the daily preparations and planning.

The updates to her weekends and the consistency she kept with her eating plan.

These are the moments why I do what I do.

These opportunities, to see what the REAL transformation is all about.

A persons entire LIFE changing before your eyes each and every day.

And I've seen her almost everyday the last year.

I've spent more time at the studio with the girls, like Tara, Melissa, Patti, Karen, Joanne, Katie, Tina, Shelley, Shannon, Kate and their kids then I have with my childhood and later life friends.

But that's why I have a family at my studio too.

When people commit to their lifestyle changes, it becomes empowering, moving and gratifying.

You learn so much about each other. And we learn so much from one another.

Of course there are far more people I see 2, 3 even 6 days a week, but that group has been with me at my Marshfield fitness studio since it opened. And they mean so much to me.

I'm fortunate to have these opportunities, as Tara's wedding today to be in attendance.

All her hard work, all her ambitions, all the sweat, emotions and accomplishments that ravel into the woman she is. No doubt she will be a beautiful bride. Not a doubt in my mind.

And I'm just thankful she decided to include me in her journey.

So thank you Tara.

For allowing me an amazing first year of friendship, training, laughs and tears.

For reminding me everyday why I am fortunate to be a fitness professional.

Why I'm fortunate to have the opportunity to spend hours a week with people, like you, who also lift and motivate me to be better.

You and Jeffrey are stunning,

Congratulations Tara,


Thursday, September 10, 2009

Part 2 - How to Lose Weight, Marshfield Fitness Boot Camp helps Woman lose 26.5 pounds in ONLY 60 Days

If you didn't read yesterday's post, mae sure you do here:

This is part 2 of our successful weight loss strategy with Lynne who recently lost over 26 pounds in just 60 days at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield.

Robert Belley Fitness is Marshfield fitness fastest fat loss option / studio / club.

Check out this interview here:

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Marshfield Fitness Boot Camp helps Woman lose 26.5 pounds in ONLY 60 Days

She's tried them all...

South Beach, Atkins, etc...

She went to gyms for years...

Where she felt like an individual training in an overcrowded building..

No serious luck...

As of last week,

I'm so proud of her and happy to say she's lost 26.5 pounds in ONLY 60 days while also training at Robert Belley Fitness...

She's had "so much fun" while finally losing the weight... HER own words, not mine.

Not in front of an instructor, in a club class, wearing a microphone and looking at you through a mirror, who gives exercises and you simply follow and sweat without any support or conversation...

But "working out with a group physically, and emotionally as well", again her words.

She's been a champ attending my marshfield fitness boot camp.

Listen to part 1 of Lynne speaking of her amazing success strategies and how unique Robert Belley Fitness is and how my tiny "UNIQUE" studio in Marshfield can help YOU TOO lose the weight YOU WANT.

To Hear Part 2 Click Here

Marshfield Fat Loss

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

A Meal Plan worth Eating for Marshfield dieters, Marshfield fitness buffs, Marshfield runners, Marshfield triathletes!

Hey there, for those of you who don't already know, at Robert Belley Fitness I suggest ONLY one meal plan.

One that is not only high in fiber, natural proteins, and provides an amazing quantity of vitamins and minerals to regulate your body's fat fighting ability, but it also improve your skin, teeth, hair, nails and overall feeling!

Sound like a miracle diet?

Well, it's actually basic.

Nothing fancy at all.

And it helps Marshfield residents and Pembroke, Duxbury and Kingston residents too lose satisfactory bodyfat and weight.

And I promise it doesn't require you to purchase any pills, meal replacement drinks, protein powders, specialty products or anything created with chemicals or preservatives.

In fact, it's not even based on a point system and you can eat as much as you want from my approved EATING plan.

And one of my most recent clients just lost 29 pounds in the last 60 days!

It's helped changed her life.

Next Blog post I'll have an audio for you to hear HER OWN WORDS.

And It's helped many of my other clients lose up to a pound a day the first week and at times 10 pounds in a single week over the last few years.

Crazy huh?

When I follow it, it shreds me and my abs become easily visible.

If you want it,

then get on over to Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield, Massachusetts.

It's Marshfield fitness at it's finest!

Not too mention my secret, well, not-so-secret eating plan that will help you ALSO drop stubborn pounds and rid of the fat.

If you're after fat loss, weight loss, or any weight watching you can have this diet for free as a boot camp or semi-private client at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield.

You're gonna love it!

And it'll change your life ;)

Live the dream,


Marshfield's Fitness Expert on Fat Loss and Changing Your Life

Robert Belley Fitness (Boot Camps, Private Training, Pilates, Yoga, Youth Athlete Development)
1775 Ocean Street
Marshfield, MA 02050

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Alcohol and Me

Okay, so it's probably not what you expected.

Does alcohol really make a difference in your attempt to lose body fat after our fat-reducing workouts at Robert Belley Fitness?


When you drink alcohol, your liver has to process that as concern numero uno.

Everything else comes second... far second.

So whatever you eat just sits in your stomach, like late nite menu's, after hours Chinese food, chips, dips, ice cream all of it.

Falls right onto your ass, back of your arms, belly button area, under the chin, you get the idea.


Are you gonna keep drinking on the weekends or having your nightly glass of wine sabotaging your minimalist meals and rice cakes all week?

I sure as hell wouldn't if I had something I wanted to lose.

So make a choice, and start taking the steps to get it accomplished.

I believe in you,

if you believe in yourself.

Live the Dream,


Marshfield's fitness and fat loss expert
In and Out Workouts Author

Friday, September 4, 2009

I Love My Ass!

Okay, so maybe you're not screaming from the rooftops that you love your ass.

And understandably so.

Not many things are worse than being approached by pimps, johns, construction workers, police and other people all interested in what you have to scream.

But keep it in mind, if you're HOOKED on the 100 calorie or worse yet Glory-Of-The-80's fat-snack-attacks, you most likely LOVE YOUR ASS.

Here's a couple reasons why,

1) Did you know that rice cakes, pretzels, potato chips, corn chips and the like are all INFLAMMATORY foods?

Meaning, they actually promote irritation within the body thus yielding potential bloating, disruption to digestion, and promote weight gain.

How's your peanut butter on rice cake now? Don't forget to weigh in this week for $10 so we can tell you to buy more of our products :)

2) All processed flours, even enriched wheat flour (which is actually white flour in disguise), along with any fast food, cornstarch, sweeteners, margarine, shortening, corn syrups, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, regular ground beef and more are all Inflammatory foods as well.

Basically, if you eat anything in the middle of the grocery store, you're screwed and your ass will most likely swell.

However, there's an alternative, ding, light bulb!

You can eat foods on the outside of the grocery store, or better known as the perimeter that are anti-inflammatory. Fresh fish, grass fed beef (you'll need a speciality shop for this most likely - not even the whole foods in my area has grass fed beef), fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, cage free chicken, cage free eggs from those chickens and more all lead to smaller butt.

Throw in some exercise and my god!

You may have a tighter, smaller bum in no time.

This has been another Public Service Announcement from Robert Belley Fitness, Marshfield's most trusted fat loss fitness expert.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


No we're not Sesame Street aliens, they "Yip, Yip Yip Yip Yip, Yip"

This is YAP!

What's all the yapping about?

Your Action Potential!!

My colleague and friend, Dr. Jon, have teamed up to bring the world YAP Radio :)

Your Action Potential (YAP), is a new book coming out by Dr. J that he wrote during 2009. It has a fall release date and we're all very excited.

I can't wait to read the hardcover edition!

I've seen some of the meat, and we discuss topics of the book weekly.

Today's show was titled 'Committed Enrollment'.

Cut the fat, it's a guide to taking control of your life through motivation and self-improvement.

Just brilliant stuff in there, and also, it's very accessible terminology wise.

You do not need to be a Doctor to understand it, heck even a caveman could understand it.. ha ha, sorry couldn't resist the stupid joke.

It is amazing, it will IMPROVE your life and you will look at your self and think,
"What the f--- have I've been doing to myself?" "This guy is blowing my mind!"

We've already held a seminar, rave reviews, and plan on spiking more in the immediate future.

So stayed tuned for more info on Your Action Potential, and more from Dr. Jon and myself, Robert Belley.

It's all about empowering YOUR life.

If we can do that, we've done our job.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Weight Watcher's Circa 1991

So I'm going through some old paperwork.... extremely old... and I discovered a THINLINE copy from May/June of 1991. THINLINE was a bimonthly newspaper/letter put out by Weight Watcher's.

It belonged to my mother, who had attended Weight Watcher's back when I was still wrestling other neighborhood kids for the WWF Intercontinental Championship Belt held by one of my favorite soap opera wrestling stars of the day The Ultimate Warrior. Man I wanted to be as diesel as that guy growing up.

Any way, mom use to attend the weekly meetings, delve into Oprah late afternoons, and talk with her girlfriends about the latest scoop. This newsletter I'm sure was one of their seasonal topics... while a young 12 year old boy was trying to prove his supremacy over the other children in his small town neighborhood as an Elite Wrestling Figure. But I digress whose mission was flashier or more important. :)

So, back to THINLINE, what stuck out the most in this newsletter was most of their success stories were people together accomplishing weight loss. As in sisters, friends, coworkers, husband and wife, etc.

And I have to admit, although not being a big fan of Weight Watcher's in general, I agree with them that social support is ABSOLUTELY critical in terms of success with fat loss.

Yeah you can do it alone, heck I ran the Boston Marathon training alone, but having someone support you makes things far easier.

With the Marathon, I felt it was one of the easiest runs of my life.

Not joking.

But it was support of the other runners, the atmosphere of children and adults watching on who were extremely encouraging that made the greatest race in Massachusetts history inviting.

So, to share a similar message with the 1991, Shoulder Padded leaders of Weight Watcher history, GET SOCIAL SUPPORT.

Friend, Sister, Brother, Colleague, Parent, Wife, Husband, Boyfriend, Girlfriend who will ultimately talk with you and encourage you day to day. And if you do not have anyone, consider finding new people who contribute and take time from your life. Once you find warm, inviting, caring people, the rest is far easier.
Live the Dream,
Marshfield Fitness Expert

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Food Inc., - How To Eat for a Beach Body

Okay, so about a month back I saw Food, Inc.

I was moved to say the least. Of course, we already know that most commercial supermarket food is bad for us... but after this, it's downright scary to buy most of our foods in there.
Turns out our crops are devastated.
Turns out there is not much corporatocracy will let us do about it.
Turns out renegade farmers who wish to practice 'traditional' and 'organic' means are being shut down or bullied around.

Turns out our health and nation suffers consequently.

To say the least, I'm transitioning my eating habits to purely grass-fed cattle for my preferred protein sources. I go to a shop called Common Sense in Plymouth, Massachusetts right now.

At $9 a pound for a delicious steak it's worth it. Trust me :)
I get 3 servings out of that.

Coupled with the organic feta cheese, organic baby spinach, extra virgin olive oil, sea salt, fresh cracked pepper, fresh blueberries and organic apple bits salad I eat with it my immune system, health and body fat are at significantly healthier levels no doubt.

If you can see Food, Inc. DO IT!

It will change the way you see grocery food, like Super Size Me changed the way you saw fast food, as well as Fast Food Nation did.

Buy Organic!

Support your local Organic Farmer!

Crops sprayed with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or fertilizers, and animals fed grain (even if its organic grain feed) increase growth hormones and antibiotics which are affecting our health. Stay away from these sources.

My health IS WORTH the extra dimes and nickels.

I believe that.

Besides, of we all ate the portions we're meant to eat... all of our grocery bills would come down in price.

Hit the Marshfield Farmer's Market, Plymouth Farmer's Market, Duxbury Farmer's Market, Buy from the organic section in Star Market in Marshfield, or the organic section of Stop & Shop in Pembroke or Kingston.
Just do what you have to do.

Live the Dream,

and it'll reward you...
I promise