Friday, September 4, 2009

I Love My Ass!

Okay, so maybe you're not screaming from the rooftops that you love your ass.

And understandably so.

Not many things are worse than being approached by pimps, johns, construction workers, police and other people all interested in what you have to scream.

But keep it in mind, if you're HOOKED on the 100 calorie or worse yet Glory-Of-The-80's fat-snack-attacks, you most likely LOVE YOUR ASS.

Here's a couple reasons why,

1) Did you know that rice cakes, pretzels, potato chips, corn chips and the like are all INFLAMMATORY foods?

Meaning, they actually promote irritation within the body thus yielding potential bloating, disruption to digestion, and promote weight gain.

How's your peanut butter on rice cake now? Don't forget to weigh in this week for $10 so we can tell you to buy more of our products :)

2) All processed flours, even enriched wheat flour (which is actually white flour in disguise), along with any fast food, cornstarch, sweeteners, margarine, shortening, corn syrups, high fructose corn syrup, hydrogenated oils, regular ground beef and more are all Inflammatory foods as well.

Basically, if you eat anything in the middle of the grocery store, you're screwed and your ass will most likely swell.

However, there's an alternative, ding, light bulb!

You can eat foods on the outside of the grocery store, or better known as the perimeter that are anti-inflammatory. Fresh fish, grass fed beef (you'll need a speciality shop for this most likely - not even the whole foods in my area has grass fed beef), fresh fruits, fresh vegetables, cage free chicken, cage free eggs from those chickens and more all lead to smaller butt.

Throw in some exercise and my god!

You may have a tighter, smaller bum in no time.

This has been another Public Service Announcement from Robert Belley Fitness, Marshfield's most trusted fat loss fitness expert.