Monday, August 11, 2008

Schwarzenegger to battle Governors?

In a much NEEDED attempt to save the children of our nation from disease and obesity California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has decided to take a bold stance. Read the article below from Alliance for a Healthier Generation;

Governor Schwarzenegger Challenges Governors to Make Schools Healthier
On June 4, a letter from Gov. Schwarzenegger went out to every governor in the U.S., challenging them to make schools in their states healthier environments by enrolling schools in the Alliance’s Healthy Schools Program. Gov. Schwarzenegger co-leads the Alliance for a Healthier Generation with President Bill Clinton and American Heart Association President Dr. Dan Jones.
“I urge you to accept this ‘Challenge’ and to work with me and the Alliance for a Healthier Generation to build healthier school environments for all students and school staff in your states,” Gov. Schwarzenegger’s letter reads. “The state with the highest percentage point increase in enrolled schools will be publicly lauded as overall winner. States with a 10% increase in overall enrollment will receive public recognition as well.

I agree that something has to be done. Should one school be over-publicized more than an other for doing the best? Maybe, maybe not.

But the fact of the matter is with Governor Schwarzenegger's letter, the Alliance for a Healthier Generation and through the efforts everyone over at the International Youth Conditioning Association (IYCA), including proud members as myself, WE CAN save our future.

Fitness and Nutrition are missing from our school system and it needs to make a huge comeback. QUICK!!


WE CAN save our children from the mess that has occurred the last 30 years of chemical laden foods and lethargic academic programs.

To helping you achieve success,

Rob Belley

Robert Belley Fitness