Friday, August 29, 2008

i LOVE twitter

I seriously love Twitter!

If you haven't checked it out, it's an amazing site where you can post Super-Short blogs of 140 characters or less.

Personally, I use it to post my eating habits.

Every meal, every day, every week.

Talk about a fly on the wall of a day in the life of a Fitness Professional.

I do NOT lie on this site either. I post my real meals, measurements, etc.

And remember year round I stay +- 10% body fat. Enough to see my abs year round.

Let's be honest for a minute.

How can I expect you to show me what you're eating to stay on track for major physique success if I don't share my own eating plan to you.

I even post brief synapses of my workouts!

You can do the same.

In fact, check out my eating plan over at

See you on the slim side!

To helping you achieve success,
