Thursday, March 31, 2011


This is a repost from a Mike Boyle article he wrote.

Boyle knows fitness, strength and conditioning like a Maverick!



Is There a Fat Burning Zone and Does It Matter?

If you’ve been reading this blog on a consistent basis you probably already know where I’m going with this one.

You guessed it. The Fat Burning Zone is another of the urban legends of fitness.

Does anyone think that when they are in the so-called fat burning zone that stored bodyfat melts off them like butter?

A little reality therapy is in order. The Fat Burning Zone is a big fat lie. Here’s the truth.

1- The “fat burning zone” supposedly describes a level of exercise that results in a larger number of the calories burned during exercise being derived from fat. This does not mean that stored bodyfat is the selective source. It only describes the relative percentage of utilization of three substrates, fat, carbohydrate and protein.

2- The fat burning zone actually describes what percentage of calories burned are derived from fat as an energy source.

Do you know when you are burning the most calories from fat? Sorry. The highest percentage of fat utilization is at rest. The more intense the exercise becomes, the more carbohydrate is used as a source.

Guess what. It doesn’t matter. The reality is that it’s about the number of calories burned, not the number of those calories that come from fat as a source. If the fat burning zone idea actually worked we could get extremely lean by simply sitting still.

Guess again. That doesn’t work, does it.

Confused, let’s use a mathematical example.

Lets assume that we have two identical exercisers who are going to exercise for twenty minutes.

Exerciser one is doing a slow walk to stay “in the fat burning zone”. Exerciser two is going to run hard for twenty minutes. To keep the example simple we will assume that exerciser one will derive forty percent of his or her calories from fat. Exerciser two will move out of the fat burning zone and only derive 20 percent of his or her calories from fat.

Exerciser one will walk at 3 miles per hour and will cover one mile in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 100 calories with 40 calories coming from fat.

Exerciser two will run at 7.5 miles per hour and will cover 2.5miles in twenty minutes. This will result in a caloric expenditure of 250 calories with 50 calories coming from fat.

Hmm, seems interesting. The exerciser in the “fat burning zone” burned less calories and less calories from fat in the same amount of time? The exerciser working harder and leaving the fat burning zone burned 2.5 times as many calories and, 10 more calories from fat.

I rest my case. Figures lie and liars figure.

Stop worrying about burning fat and start worrying about working harder

Yours in strength,

Mike Boyle

Functional Strength Coach
105 South Street
Plainville, MA

Very Belley Lunch ;) Scallops (pix included)


Today's 'A Very Belley Lunch',

Seared Wild Scallops with Organic Zucchini Squash, Organic Garlic and Organic Bunched French Carrots in Organic Coconut Oil with cracked Cinnamon, cracked Black Pepper and Extra Virgin Olive Oil to season.

Add to that 2 hard boiled Cage Free Organic Eggs and delicious ;)

Provided 2.5 servings of vegetables
1 serving of healthy fats
2 Servings of protein (scallops)

The entire meal:
Cals: 423
Fat: 24 g
Carbs: 14 g
Fiber: 3 g
Pro: 37 g

Robert Belley Fitness Marshfield

Friday, March 4, 2011



My Lucky Charms and Cinnamon Toast Crunch are healthy?

Thank Christ I can finally eat my Coco Puffs EVERYDAY NOW, still keep my abs, and continue to lose body fat!

Thank you Big G!!!

I also guess in this "PC" (politically correct) world that also means using the white checkmark on the packaging is to void of any color just like green or red checkmarks are supposedly not on kids school or homework papers any longer as to not offend any child or make them feel sad for doing poorly. I think I turned out alright.


Thursday, March 3, 2011


Reposted via an email I received from Mike Boyle of MBSC (Mike Boyle Sports Conditioning).

Mike has trained countless Olympians, Pro Athletes, Jane and Joe Workout Enthusiasts, Youth Athletes, Collegaite Athletes and more and has earned the credential of TOP FITNESS GYM in AMERICA by Men's Health magazine more than once.

He's an industry legend and pioneer. I've attended a few of his seminars and presentations and have enjoyed talking with him in the past.


Is Doing Abs A Waste Of Time?

I can't even tell you how often I hear someone at the end of the workout say something like "I need to do more abs, I want to get a six-pack."

The truth is that passing on a six-pack is a better way to get a six-pack than six hundred sit-ups. The key to abdominal definition is the visibility of the abdominal musculature, not the strength of the muscles.

You can do one million sit-ups, crunches or whatever exercise you want and it will have no effect on abdominal definition.

When people ask me the best exercise for abs I tell them table push-aways.

It usually takes a few minutes for them to get it. It's not a joke, it's the truth. If you want better abs, eat less and train more but, don't just train your abs.

The idea of working abs to get abs is one of the oldest misconceptions in training. This goes back to the old idea of spot reduction. Spot reduction has never and will never work. The research has been done over and over and the answer is always the same.

You can't decrease the fat layer on a particular area by working that area. That means that the guys doing sit-ups to lose abdominal fat and the lady sitting on the adductor (inner thigh) machine are both wasting their time.

Good total body work is, was, and always will be the key to fat loss.

Want better abdominal definition?

Finish every workout with some hard interval training instead of extra sit-ups or crunches. Interval training or what is currently called

High Intensity Interval Training (abbreviated HIIT) is the real key to fat loss and the resulting definition.

Interval training burns more calories than steady state aerobic training and because it is s sprint program you get a sprinters body.

Abdominal training may potentially reduce the diameter of the waistline but, will very little to reduce bodyfat.

The truth is there are lots of good reasons to do abdominal work or core training as we now like to call it. A strong core (strong abs) is one of the keys in the prevention of back pain. A strong core will help you look better and improve performance in a host of sports but, sit-ups or any other abdominal exercise will not reduce bodyfat. The fact of the matter is that crunches will lead to back pain long before they lead to visual abs.

Another good tip.

Don't do crunches. A good abdominal or core program is a lot more than crunches. Most of your core work should be isometric exercises like front planks and side planks or carries like Suitcase carries.

One of the major functions of the core musculature is the prevention of motion.

What does that mean? It means that the abdominals are great stabilizers. Work on the stability function, not on flexion and extension.


Mike Boyle


Researchers last week discovered that 99% of all study results are accurate 100% of the time when there is a product to be sold or purchased by consumers that are eager and willing to alleviate their own hopes and dreams at better health, weight management and lifestyle through supplementation, dietary changes and philosophical implementation.

This development has led other researchers to swiftly surge companies with their own studies indicating, after contract renegotiations, and through direct deposit, to show the results of a fascinating new study in which a solution to the obesity epidemic, near-professional athletic performance/potential can be reached, GQ and Vanity Fair beauty is possible and death is now reached at an age of 315.

The easy way out doesn’t exist.


But! I have a formula guaranteed to work. Here it is:

Eat non-processed/boxed foods, organic fruits and vegetables, organic free range chickens and grass fed meats, wild caught fish, whole grains (quinoa, wheat berries, steel cut oats), organic cottage cheese, non-sugared flavored yogurts. There some others for the list but this will get you going towards immediate improvement.

And then add:

45 minutes of moderate-to-intense exercise 4 sessions a week.
60 minutes once a week.
15 minutes 4 sessions per week.

(TOTAL 9 Sessions = 5 hours [out of 168 in a week, 2.98% of the week])


Consistent, long-term nutritional efforts.

Dedicated, repeated fitness sessions.

Positive attitude, belief in yourself.

These are a few of the tools necessary for achievement.

Add in some social support and some healthy challenges that will motivate you like the Belley Beach Body MarshFIT Challenge and you're good to go.

But it's not easy.

PS – You can’t rich easy either.

All those millionaires and celebrities actually work their ass off to get where they got to and still do just to maintain their status and wealth. It’s true. I’ve known many.

There is no easy way!

As soon as it is accepted, the faster your body will change towards your dream vision and the more money you will most likely earn. Just saying…



On Saturday feel free to eat whatever the hell edible foods you want as much as you would like so long as you’re not putting yourself in a life-threatening position through any food or liquid consumption means.

Use common sense for your own allergies and that drinking a gallon of milk in a hour or water is purely not healthy and that over-consumption of alcohol could lead to liver toxicity, stomach pumping, alcoholism and or possibly more potentially serious illegal and health devastating effects.