Monday, February 28, 2011

25 Random Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Me - by Dax Moy

Had to repost this from one of my favorite colleague/friend in fitness whose Elimination Diet we lifestyle frequently at Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield.

Dax is pretty dynamic and this will let you know a little bit more of the man I respect so highly.

Enjoy ;)


Live the dream!

25 Random Facts You Probably Didn't Know About Me (Revisited)
Posted by Dax Moy on February 27, 2011

It's been 2 years since I first wrote my 25 facts post and it was such good fun I thought I'd put it up again and bring it up to date a little.

Wanna share YOUR 25 Random or Little Known fact about YOU?

I dare ya!


1. Even though I consider myself a Londoner, I was actually born in Solihull in the West Midlands so I'm more of a brummie than a cockney. That said, I now live in Loughton, Essex so I'm a weird brummie, cockney, Essex boy hybrid... strange!

2. I was born 20th September 1970 meaning that I'm 40 now which is truly amazing to me as I don't feel like a grown up yet : )

3. I've been married for 20 years this April 18th to my best friend and love of my life, Deana. We met when I was still 17 on a blind date. I took her on a charity run around an assault course.

4. I'm a father of 4 kids; Kayleigh 21, Reece 20, Sara 17 and Connor 10. Kayleigh writes poetry and music, Reece is applying to join the Royal Marines, Sara recently finished school and Conner can deadlift 45kg with ease at 32kg bodyweight.

5. I grew up on housing estates most of my life and most of my clothing came from second hand stores or charity shops until I was about 14 as we were dirt poor. I now have most of my shirts made by tailors in Thailand but still feel most comfortable in cargo shorts and flip flops than 'tarted up'

6. I was under 16 London, Middlesex and home counties boxing champion and am more than proficient in Aikido, Ju-Jitsu and various other martial arts as well as military unarmed combat fighting techniques.

7. My name 'Dax' comes from a Harold Robins novel called 'The Adventurers'. The hero's name was 'Diogenes AlexandrosXenos' but his family called him Dax for short.

8. I hated my name until I was about 15 and had many fight with kids who would take the piss.

9. My other brothers are called Kaz and Scott.

10. Kaz died 3 years ago alone in his apartment. I found his body after 2 weeks.

11. I joined the Airborne forces at age 16 and later transferred to the Royal Marines which is considered the ultimate blasphemy. I later served in a surveillance and target acquisition role which I loved.

(me abseiling out of a sea-king over the French Alps - my 4 man patrol was chased all over the mountains)

12. I've worked as a soldier, bodyguard, streetsweeper, roofer, scaffolder, builder and sewerworker though I still identify myself first and foremost as a soldier, even today. I still do mental rehearsals of my weapon handling and grenade priming drills daily as a matter of course.

13. I didn't learn to drive until I was 28. I passed first time. My first car was a second-hand Nissan Bluebird, my second and third were Landrover Discovery's and my current car is a Landrover Discovery 3 that I bought brand new 5 years ago.

14. I have stayed in the Ice hotel in Norway with Deana. We also saw the Northern lights and went on a snowmobile safari during that trip. I also complained bitterly about the £10-a-pint beer.

15. I am the most expensive personal trainer in the UK at the time of writing, as well as being the most expensive trainer in the World with my £17,000 a week Personal Trainer Elite program

16. I completed the 185 mile Amazon Jungle marathon on 2003 despite dislocating my hip on day 2.

17. I've appeared on every terrestrial TV channel in the UK and pretty much all of the top magazines

18. Injuries love me. if there's a way to become physically injured doing something, I'll find it, including being blown 500 ft down the side of mountains, falling 18 feet from waterfalls onto rocks or being burned by fireworks. I've broken most of the bones in my body at one time or another.

19. I stabbed my violent alcoholic father through the heart when I was 15 in defence of my mother. I also resuscitated him and kept him alive until paramedics came. I was charged with attempted murder but when he recovered he refused to press charges.

20. I read around 120-150 books a year without fail and have done so for most of my adult life. My Amazon habit runs to about £200 a month or more.

21. I survived the tsunami with my family. Some of the people I tried to rescue and resuscitate didn't.

22. I'm not religious at all but am deeply spiritual. I've read the Bible, the Koran, Upanishads, Bhagavad Gita, Tripitaka, Talmud and more. My beliefs are mostly a Buddhist as it is more a philosophy than a religion and does not force doctrine upon its followers. I believe in God but don't believe that religion is the path to finding him/her/it. That said, I genuinely respect the right of each person to choose the path that makes the most sense to them.

23. In the last 4 years I've been to Thailand 25 times, Cambodia, Vietnam, Australia twice, Norway, Bali, Singapore, Egypt, Florence, Pisa, Rome, Venice, Lake Como, Cannes, Monte Carlo, Nice and Florida. I LOVE travel!

24. I parachuted 15,000 over the Great Barrier Reef with my daughter Kayleigh when she was 15.

25. I'm the first homeowner in my family for about 5 generations. I plan to buy a new house outright within the next 12 months from the proceeds of working a seriously crazy year in 2011. I know the price and am willing to pay it.


26. I have been very fortunate in my life to be blessed with the knowledge of my purpose and my route to achieving that purpose. It is "to have a major definite impact on the life of every person I come into contact with... through the medium of health, wellness and mindset". Knowing this, I can measure every activity I engage in every single day against my bigger purpose and know that I am on track... or not!