Monday, November 16, 2009

Marshfield Year One Anniversary, Belley Fitness

Yesterday was a landmark day for Robert Belley Fitness studio in Marshfield:

It was our 1 Year Anniversary!!!

I’d like to take this moment to thank all of you for training at our private family studio. It’s been a fun and growth year for us, and most importantly, it’s been a year of bonding and continued support for everyone, from everyone.

What I think about the most, in my spare time, when reflecting on the Marshfield studio, is how people from different walks of life have come together, who may not have bonded elsewhere, have. It warms my heart to see women encouraging each other, advanced or beginner, to help each other out with recipes, workouts, fashion/shopping tips (LOL) and more.

When people bond, I feel the studio has made a greater impact. For me, it’s personally not about the numbers, or the trend, or even the financials… it’s about the experience.

The past couple of weeks I’ve had the opportunity to workout at a city gym, and it reminds each time, why I’m ECSTATIC TO NOT BE ONE OF THOSE ESTABLISHMENTS. It’s stale, non-inviting, outdated, and non-communal. Despite their best efforts, it’s not personable.

For me, personal training IS PERSONAL. Even in boot camps it’s still personal.

So, I just want to thank all of you who have come through our doors the first year of enlightenment, and had the opportunity to smile and laugh while achieving your goals.

You all make me a better person.

Without any of you, I wouldn’t have this opportunity. And some have given me this precise-opportunity those first few weeks who deserve complete recognition: Captain Michael Signori (with Tanya Gillick’s helping too), Mom, my brother Mike, Jim, Hai Ngyuen, Richard Vaughn, the ‘core’ first girls of Robert Belley Fitness studio in Marshfield (Patti N, Tara (K) B, Karen M, Melissa L, Joanne L, Tina M, Katie O and their children, husbands and fiancés), Dominic Riccarelli, Wayne ‘Buddy’ Richard and Bill Eckhardt. Of course, since the first couple weeks, many and many and many have been just as integral, although, the list would be forever long 

But please know, in my heart, some of you hold the deepest love, indebted admiration, and respect for your talents and beauty.

As I’ve said in many emails and correspondences of text and written notes/letters, Robert Belley Fitness is the sum of all our energy, beauty and cohesiveness. WE ALL BRING SOMETHING SPECIAL TO THE STUDIO. It’s a second home, a place to feel comfortable, a haven of remarkable efforts and an escape from the lesser moments of the day, to laugh and share stories.

We are very much a family.

I thank you all for that.

I hope you all have a great Sunday, and I’ll send a more familiar newsletter later this week, with updates to help you progress.

Live the dream (LTD), ;)


Marshfield year one anniversary, Belley Fitness