Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Miss Massachusetts Pageant Workout 2

So last night me and Ms. X worked out a local high school track. And it was pretty cool because a sporting event was occuring nearby. Could hear everything.

Last night we decided to do some high intensity interval training.

The kind that makes you realize you really don't train as hard as you think ;)

Everyone and their mother seems to work out. But few train with purpose.

Purpose is the difference between amazing results, and seeing some changes.

But that's a whole other post.

Here's what we did last night:

Track Length (TL)... straight a way
Track Ends (TE)... where track curves

After a quick dynamic warmup of quad catch and release, leg swings, hips shifts and inner thigh mobility

*TL walk--> TE sprint--> TL walk--> TE sprint
x 4 laps

Rest 30 seconds (water)

*TL sprint--> TE walk--> TL sprint--> TE walk
x 2 laps

*TL walk--> TE sprint--> TL walk--> TE sprint
x 1 laps

*Push-Ups 20 --> Stadium Stairs 5 flights

*Walk 1 Lap

*TL sprint--> TE walk--> TL sprint--> TE walk
x 2 laps

*Half Lap Sprint--> Half Lap Walk
x 4

In all we covered about 3 miles at about 9pm. That's dedication.

Even I already ran 2 miles 3 hours prior with Katie O'Hara at the studio, lifted before that, and I played in some cool storm waves at the sea wall in Brant Rock in the afternoon.

It was also her 2nd workout of the day on Tuesday. Double Sessions rock!!!

So give the above workout a try. You'll be shocked how much better intervals are for fat loss over traditional, long, boring cardio... like jogging 2 miles. LOL

Live your dream!

Marshfield Fitness Fat Loss Expert National fitness magazine Contributor
Turn to page 23 of this month's Maximum Fitness to spy a pic of me and some of my recommendations for advancement in your own health