Tuesday, April 21, 2009

2009 Boston Marathon Completed!!

I did it!
I ran my one and only Boston Marathon...
It was everything I expected and more...
(I'm the guy in black)

Basically the first 20 DO feel easy, 21-25 are Much harder, 25 -26.2 are amazingly AMPED!!!

I had the time of my life.

High-fiving kids the whole way, thanking all of our service women and men as I ran, taking in the amazing atmosphere and incredibly supportive cheers of on-lookers, hitting the wall - Holy **** it does happen - chugging over 2 gallons of gatorade and water, eating about 3 whole oranges, believe it or not I didn't even realize I was on Heartbreak Hill till I hit the top of it.

But coming down the last 0.2 of Boylston Street...

Where I used to be a Boston Personal Trainer, have spent many of my 20-something nights hitting the social scene, trinity church, the Hancock, all of it!!

That was magical.

I am so happy that I decided to do this as part of my list of LIFE milestones.
I suggest, you do the same.

(My Left Arm and Leg are in the picture to this guy's right)

Thank you to all of my wonderful clients, family and friends who supported me for this run, and the weeks leading up to it.

And Big Thanks to Captain Mike Signori who ran the run to help me stay focused and keep going. He's not pictured... but should be.

Rob Belley
Marshfield Fitness Studio

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!

Happy Easter everyone!

I hope the day brings you the anticipation of summer and the excitement of spring.

See you this week at the studio!


Sunday, April 5, 2009

Is Seltzer Water Appropriate for Marshfield Fitness Studio Fat Loss Client?

So one of my clients asked me last week,

"Can I drink seltzer water while eating for fat loss?"

Great question. It's not like cola, with the high fructose corn syrup, caramel coloring and caffeine.

However, it still has carbon monoixde added to it to make it bubbly.

If I had to choose between water and seltzer (also known as soda water, sparkling water, carbonated water, fizzy water) I would have to say ix-nay on the carbonation.

Carbonation leads to bloat and gas anyway... two things that will lead you to believe that your tummy isn't as flat as really is... plus it only reinforces the opportunity for a horrible fat loss beverage choice.

However, if my Marshfield fitness studio clients were trying to just have a drink during maintenance programs then yeah, I see no significant problem with it.

But if it's fat loss Marshfield, Pembroke and Duxbury fitness residents are after, then totally 86 the carbonated anything for the brief duration ensuring fat loss success.


Robert Belley Fitness
Marshfield Fitness Fat Loss Studio

1775 Ocean Street, Bay 6
Marshfield, MA