Monday, April 26, 2010

New Marshfield Personal Trainer at Fitness Studio, Health Club

Alright. So sometimes my casual approach to instruction at the studio is met with a myriad of criticism. Often leaving me vulnerable, shaken and holding onto my TRX straps for comfort and solace.

Well. I've had it.

I'm an emotional being cemented in feelings.

I've hired a new trainer.

He's a celebrity too!

Please welcome Robert Belley Fitness in Marshfield's newest addition to the team.

He's got the fury of Tara.

The tenacity of Patti.

The fitness kung-fu of me (Rob).

Here was his video upload from the interview process required of all potential Belley Fitness instructors.

Let's all welcome Vinnie to the team.

And pre-warn the town of Marshfield that Robert Belley Fitness insurance policy has been accordingly increased ;)

Live the Dream Marshfield,
