Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Linkin Park Rock BEST BUY (NOKIA) Theater

Last night I was STOKED!!!

Linkin Park performed their first live concert in 2 years last night at the Best Buy Theater in Times Square, New York City.

It was pretty much a greatest hits so far with a few of the new songs sprinkled in. The intro was amazing! Started off with The Requiem and The Radiance and slammed into New Divide (love the live breakdown - so sick).


THEN WATCH THIS ONE... Filmed From Camera Pit

The heavier Shinoda influenced tracks were also gnarly.


BEST VIEW of entire backdrop and BAND***

Probably the coolest thing about LP shows are that you get a little hip-hop mixed with Rock so it makes for a fun show to move to. Once second its ethereal, the next drop down then its rap/arms laying it down. Love it!!!

And scared to say it... but musically, from a dual singer/songwriter/rock band stand point... are Chester and Mike sorta the Paul and John of the early millennium???? Sometimes I'm amazed at their ability to collaborate and create such unique sounds and abilities... and they each have their own projects on the side. Just saying???

Here's the setlist from last night:
1.The Requiem
2.The Radiance
3.New Divide
4.FaintExtended Outro
5.No More SorrowLong Intro
6.Given UpExtended Outro
7.Wretches and Kings
8.CrawlingKeyboard Transition Outro
10.Breaking The Habit
11.Jornada del Muerto
12.Waiting For The End
13.In The End
14.Bleed It Out
15.One Step CloserExtended Outro
17.The Catalyst
18.What I've Done


And live the dream till then ;)


Belley Fitness Marshfield

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

NYC ~ Linkin Park ~ Kettlebell Workout

After reading a post over at Alwyn Cosgrove's blog, one of my favorite mentors on Earth, I decided this would be a great opportunity to workout in a pinch. I needed to jump aboard a bus taking me to New York City so efficiency today is key!

Why am I going to NYC? Especially when Boston is sufficiently gorgeous this time of year?

Well Boston ain't got LINKIN PARK!! :)

Especially not performing live tonight at the Nokia Theatre in Times Square on the very same day as their new album releases. STOKED!

Back to fitness =) Before I ramble...

So after training the family at the studio from 5:30 - 8:15 this morning (Kara, Jess, Eric, Dan, Erin and Bill - and a few people who will remain unnamed who miss their workout times LOL) I took part in my own quick little kettlebell session to burn some extra calories before I go NUTS tonight at the show.

I followed a portion of a pretty cool study/workout. Simplifying this, read Alwyn's blog post here:

A new study that I just reviewed (for our upcoming fat loss seminar) had ten
subjects undergo a customized kettlebell snatch workout.

The researchers
had the subjects establish their maximum kettlebell snatch rate per minute, and
then the subjects performed ¼ of the max reps in rounds of 15s on, 15s off for
20 mins alternating arms. (For example, if they performed 20 reps in their max
test, they would work at a rate of 5 snatches every 15s for the workout).

So the workout was e.g. 5 KB snatches in 15s with your right hand, rest
15s, and then repeat with your left hand and rest. That would be one minute (or
one round), and this was repeated for twenty minutes.

Caloric burn was
13.6 cals per min aerobically and 6.6 cals per min anaerobic (20.2 calories per
minute). That’s a very intense workout and the subjects showed heart rates of
93% of max on average. But again, as I pointed out before – you’re burning a ton
of calories per minute, but the reps are a lot lower (and less heavy on the
joints) than a traditional cardio workout (such as running sprints).

Kettlebell training can be a fantastic, perhaps even more effective than
traditional methods, cardiovascular training tool.


Pretty cool eh?

So I handled a 16kg (35 lbs.) for my sets up to 15 minutes. Supposedly I burned 303 calories. Not bad, but I really on a delt kick so that's another reason I took on this workout haha.

If I had followed this, or similar, for a full 45 minutes that would be about 900 calories. Is this true? Who knows? But it's definitely worth a shot!!

Live your dream!

And be efficient,


Mommy Fat Loss Expert Maximum Fitness magazine Fitness Advisory Board Member Belley Fitness TV, Host

Robert Belléy Fitness
Fat Loss Line: 1.508.944.3104

Semi-Private Training Group Personal Training Burn Boot Camp Youth Athlete Enhancement

Readers Choice Award, Voted Best Weight Loss Service Marshfield Studio - 1775 Ocean St. (Town Center) 02050

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Rob Belley Commits to NEVER AGAIN

This is funny if ya know me.

Because I said Never Again!

On Monday I went into South Boston to meet my buddy Mike so we could hit up the Red Sox game that night. Well, when I got to Tanya's apartment we caught up on her fitness.

Turns out she's signed up for the Marine Corp Marathon in Washington D.C. on October 31st, 2010.

She wasn't sure if she was actually going to run in it though. So I said "if you do I'll do it with too."

Turns out, registration is closed, and running bandit in that Marathon is tough due to security.

So, after telling Kara MacCarthy, Dan Newcomb, Billy Altieri, Jessica Nathan and Angela Griffith that I was doing D.C. and it didn't work out, I quickly searched for an alternate Marathon.

Saved about 1,000 miles, 19 hours and $350
Plus I'll be able to go Trick or Treating with these munchkins still ;)

I'm pretty fitness thrifty ;)

So I'll be officially registered in the 2010 Cape Cod Marathon in Falmouth

Funny thing is, I hate running.

With a passion.

A severe passion.

But I think it will be good for everyone at the studio to see their trainer kick his own ass again and lead by example. Plus it throws out there the "if I'm gonna do something I hate, you can clear the excuses and do anything clause" LOL

So I haven't ran more than 8 miles since July 30th. Means I need to add 18 miles quick ha ha.

W: 09/08 13 miles
W: 09/15 15 miles
W: 09/22 17 miles
W: 09/29 19 miles
W: 10/06 17 miles
W: 10/13 21 miles
W: 10/19 13 miles
W: 10/26 13 miles
S: 10/31 26.2 miles

That's one run a week until the marathon. Fun eh? Ha ha

Just as I pretty much handled the Boston Marathon in 2009

So wish me luck!!!

And Live the Dream...


Rob Belley BSc, CPT, YCS, YFS 2 Mommy Fat Loss Expert Maximum Fitness magazine Fitness Advisory Board Member Belley Fitness TV, Host

Robert Belléy Fitness
Fat Loss Line: 1.508.944.3104

Semi-Private Training Group Personal Training Burn Boot Camp Youth Athlete Enhancement

Readers Choice Award, Voted Best Weight Loss Service Marshfield Studio - 1775 Ocean St. (Town Center) 02050

Monday, September 6, 2010

Happy Labor Day America

I would like to wish everyone in our beautiful country of America a Happy Labor Day.

I hope you are enoying this day of rest with loved ones.

Live the dream,


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Miss Massachusetts Pageant Workout 2

So last night me and Ms. X worked out a local high school track. And it was pretty cool because a sporting event was occuring nearby. Could hear everything.

Last night we decided to do some high intensity interval training.

The kind that makes you realize you really don't train as hard as you think ;)

Everyone and their mother seems to work out. But few train with purpose.

Purpose is the difference between amazing results, and seeing some changes.

But that's a whole other post.

Here's what we did last night:

Track Length (TL)... straight a way
Track Ends (TE)... where track curves

After a quick dynamic warmup of quad catch and release, leg swings, hips shifts and inner thigh mobility

*TL walk--> TE sprint--> TL walk--> TE sprint
x 4 laps

Rest 30 seconds (water)

*TL sprint--> TE walk--> TL sprint--> TE walk
x 2 laps

*TL walk--> TE sprint--> TL walk--> TE sprint
x 1 laps

*Push-Ups 20 --> Stadium Stairs 5 flights

*Walk 1 Lap

*TL sprint--> TE walk--> TL sprint--> TE walk
x 2 laps

*Half Lap Sprint--> Half Lap Walk
x 4

In all we covered about 3 miles at about 9pm. That's dedication.

Even I already ran 2 miles 3 hours prior with Katie O'Hara at the studio, lifted before that, and I played in some cool storm waves at the sea wall in Brant Rock in the afternoon.

It was also her 2nd workout of the day on Tuesday. Double Sessions rock!!!

So give the above workout a try. You'll be shocked how much better intervals are for fat loss over traditional, long, boring cardio... like jogging 2 miles. LOL

Live your dream!

Marshfield Fitness Fat Loss Expert National fitness magazine Contributor
Turn to page 23 of this month's Maximum Fitness to spy a pic of me and some of my recommendations for advancement in your own health