Tuesday, September 11, 2007

212 degrees - The Extra Degree

If you haven't seen this yet it follows in the vein of 'The Secret' as an inspirational and motivational movie.

It truly is amazing how much more can be achieved with the slightest added effort.

Give it a watch.

Then hit the gym or break for the street to begin your daily fitness training.

Today, I have a date with training at the Pembroke facility.

I can't wait!

~Rob Belley

Monday, September 10, 2007

Robert Belley on ThisNext.com

Hey y'all,

I've recently been profiled by the next great web resource tool ThisNext.com

It was an honor to be asked for my favorite daily fitness product recommendations. What I posted happens to be the very products I and my clientele use on a daily basis in our training sessions...and a couple of surprises throughout the week!!

So check out my profile at http://www.thisnext.com/by/RobBelley/profile/

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

To alli or not alli?

~ as article appears in CNC Publications ~

Move over Slim Fast and Weight Watcher’s, there’s a (supposed) new wonder pill in town and it’s being hyped by Wal-Mart’s and grocery stores nationwide. It’s called “alli” and it’s been dubbed as the only over-the-counter FDA approved weight loss supplement on the market.

Is it all hype though? Can it really help shed pounds of unsightly body fat? Will you need to sport Depends soil-absorbent undergarments over your Hanes? If you don’t understand the last sentence I advise you to take great care reading forward. This pill may not be for you. But after reading this article it’s my greatest ambition that you’ll be able to make a contentious decision before dropping your paycheck on this publicity monster. So let’s get into the dirt.

First off, alli may be remembered best as its predecessor, “orlistat”. In its simplest form, orlistat prevented the digestion and absorption of fat in foods. So if you ate something terribly wrong you can be happy to know that most of the fat in said meal will just end up passing right through your system…and then onto your pants in an oily discharge. Smile!

This phenomenon happens by way of the pill blocking lipase-the enzyme in the intestine that separates fat in food so that it can be absorbed into the body-and preventing fat absorption. It’s suggested twenty-five percent of the fat in a meal is blocked. Unfortunately, that twenty-five percent is excreted in the stool and furthermore in the disturbing result mentioned in prior.

But although orlistat is know for this tremendous amount of fat blockage let it be known that alli is a lower dose formulation of orlistat. So its effects are comparable to orlistat’s outrageous power. And if you’re wondering, orlistat is still only available by prescription.

To meet the requirements for orlistat’s prescription you must be an obese individual with a BMI (body mass index) of 30 or greater. In general, a five foot eight individual would have to weigh an unfit 200 pounds or greater. Or imagine being five foot 2 inches and weighing a pudgy 165 pounds. So it’s not for the fitness enthusiast or self-contentious individual looking to drop ten pounds or less.

In fact studies have only shown the average weight loss achieved with 100% compliance to orlistat for six months to one year to be twelve to thirteen pounds. Is it still worth the runs to you?

I’d rather save the money spent on new drawers and use it to enjoy some delicious foods at the restaurants of my choice while spending an hour or two a week training and watching what I eat. Plus not only do you have to swallow pills but you have to time them with your meal about an hour prior to each feeding. If not it’s a waste.

So, besides the mess, which I can not stress enough, here’s the kicker that’s associated with fat absorption in your diet; you lose needed vitamins. Sure, it may not seem like such a big deal, but vitamins are categorized as either water soluble and fat soluble in nature. These fat-soluble vitamins bind to fat (vitamins A, D, E and K). When orlistat is taken, these vitamins are not absorbed and are eliminated in the stool in increased amounts along with the fat. This leaves dieters having with no choice but to take a multivitamin at least a few hours prior to first use each morning to ensure that daily nutritional needs are met.

Now, to get back to my main rebuttal with orlistat compounds-as alli is-you have to be willing to deal with messy discharges…from your hiney! Side effects are as listed: oily spotting on underwear, flatulence, urgent bowel movements, fatty or oily stools, increased number of bowel movements, abdominal pain or discomfort, and inability to control stool (incontinence). Side effects occur within three months of starting this product and in about fifty percent of patients, the side effects resolved within one to four weeks, but the effects in some patients lasted six months or longer.

A helpful hint given by the manufacturers to reduce nasty occurrences is to consume meals with no more than thirty percent of fat because it is the unabsorbed fat that causes most of the symptoms. Alli causes fewer side effects because it contains half the dose of prescription–strength orlistat though. But are you willing to take a few days off from work to sit at home in case you have an irritable bowel accident?

So, do you take a pill nearly guaranteeing an embarrassing public moment in the hopes that it may help you drop a half pound this week? The manufacturer is clearly warning potential users of leakage and disastrous stains left on underwear and pants alike.

Or do you take care of weight gain the good ole’ fashion way by being active and putting down the damn swiss rolls and hamburger? I’d hope you’d choose to take it easy on your pants and just go for a light jog for goodness sake.

My final decision: alli and orlistat both lose. Sorry, but I just can’t justify how this is anymore than a clever and expensive advertising and marketing campaign to rob millions of desperate and lazy people of their hard earned money. Any individual uneducated enough to take this ridiculous pill will not experience a greater weight loss than traditional, well-earned fat loss success.

So save your money-Depends will never be the fashion-and get off the couch and into the expansive and beautiful terrains of our beloved New England to jog along gorgeous shoreline’s, hike through green and plush state forestry and swim and wade in our refreshing ponds and bays. You’ll thank me for it later.

Monday, September 3, 2007

Have Shoes, will Walk Boston

I had the pleasure this weekend of tour guiding a date around my city of Boston. The great thing is we did it totally by walking the city, rather than one of those trolley or Duck tours.

Thank goodness we're both fit people. All in all our 4 hour walk came to a total of 12.3 miles!

We started in Chinatown, hit Copley Square to check out the Trinity Church and John Hancock building, walked up Dartmouth street to the Charles River, followed that to Boston University, through Kenmore Square to Fenway Park (GO RED SOX !!), back through Kenmore to Boston Symphony Hall, past Northeastern University to the Museum of Fine Arts, back up through the Fens to grab Newbury Street (grabbed some ice cream too), strolled through Boston Common, jumped on the Freedom Trail, hit-up Faneuil Hall, and returned to Chinatown where we began.

Don't get me wrong, our calves are still burning. In fact, we went to a Wedding the next night and still tore some rug. And the next day we went to the beach.

But the take home message is this: A car isn't the only thing to get you from 'A' to 'B' or all the way to 'Z'! Walking can be a tremendous exercise if you get far enough and keep a good pace.

Think of it this way. We we're walking a total of 4 hours tops. We maintained a 3mph speed. At that rate you could finish a marathon in 8.5 hours! Realistically we could have walked and jogged the distance in about 5-6 hours...hey anything's possible ; )

So just remember, next time you've got some time to kill, or boredom sets in, go for a long walk. I'm sure you have some great hiking trails nearby or even a beautiful city such as Boston to take in the final days of the warm weather.

So don't be a slouch! Fitness is right before you...literally. You'll feel tremendous when you've accomplished your walk!


helpful hint...wear walking shoes...not sandals, not indoor shoes, not heels or anything with an exaggerated lift in the heel